Published onOctober 13, 2023The New Huggingface Templates for Chat Models FeatureLLMtransformerstokenizationtemplatesUpgrade your code with chat model templates
Published onAugust 28, 2023Train LlaMA-2 LLM on your own emails, Part 2. Model TrainingLLMtransformerstokenizationemailpersonalizationTrain an LLM to answer emails for you
Published onAugust 25, 2023Train a LlaMA-2 LLM for free to be an email autocomplete assistant using your own email data! Part 1. Introduction and Data PreparationLLMtransformersLlaMA-2personalizationPrepare a dataset to train an LLM to answer emails for you
Published onAugust 2, 2023End of Sequence Token ExplainedLLMtransformerstokenizationHow is the pad token handled in training a transformer and what's the impact of setting the pad token to be the same as the eos token?